How to use Bloglovin' to promote your blog and what every blogger should know! Bloglovin' is the Soundcloud for your favorite blogs. Bloglovin' is a great fabulous platform for readers to follow their favorite blogs and to discover new ones. You can save your favorite blogs and custom build "collections" just like a Pinterest board! All your favorite blogs will appear on a "blog feed" catered to you!
Why you should use Bloglovin' to promote your blog? What are the benefits of using Bloglovin'? Bloglovin' is simple to use. It doensn't require additional work once you have set up your account. Your posts are automatically published and shared on your social media networks! Set it up and watch your followers grow!
Why You Should Use Bloglovin' to Promote Your Blog?
What are the benefits of using Bloglovin' for a blogger? You may wonder isn't using WordPress enough? You already follow a few WordPress blogs on your Reader. Why Bloglovin'?
Benefits of Using Bloglovin'
Free Marketing: Because it's always nice to get free ways to promote your blog. After all, you've worked, really, really hard for it! Mark it count! Effortlessly! Bloglovin' markets your blog to people who love following your content! Their friends and followers will see that they follow you also. These are your ideal audience!
Automatic Push: Every time you publish a new post, Bloglovin' automatically displays a preview of your post in your followers' blog feed. Followers can read post, 'like it' or save it for later! Your followers can also see all your blog posts at a glance, just like Instagram!
Blog Analytics: Bloglovin' has a built in blog analytics that lets you see how many followers you have in a graph. It allows you to see which of your posts are most popular! This information is helpful for your business! You can continue to create similar content or re-create your niche! Driving more traffic to your site! Free!
Never Miss a Post: Followers will see every single post your blog publishes like a RSS reader. Unlike Twitter or Facebook, followers will see a nice collection of your blog posts. It will remain on their blog fee until the reader marks a post as 'read'. The best part? The default setting in Bloglovin' is to email followers new posts in their feed every day. Yay!
Have you followed me on Bloglovin' yet? Do me a favor please? Click on the image below to follow me HERE!
Getting Started with Bloglovin'
Sign Up for an Account: Create an username and password and email or by connecting your Facebook account to Bloglovin'.
Claim Your Blog: How do I claim my blog?
Now that you've signed up for Bloglovin', you will need to claim your blog. Search your blog in the search bar in the upper right hand corner by typing your blog's full URL. Ex.
Your blog should appear. All you have to do is click on "Claim It"
If your blog doesn't come up in the drop-down menu, hit "enter" or click the magnifying glass to bring up all results. If you can't find your blog in the search, make sure you have a valid RSS feed. For instructions look here.
Once you're on your blog's Bloglovin' page, click "Claim it." (Alternatively, go to "My blog" on Bloglovin' and click on "claim your blog." If you are unable to claim your blog, you can follow the official Bloglovin' instructions here! Basically it will ask you to create a new post with a display box titled "Paste this text into a new blog post" with an HTML Code. Make shre you have copied everything and add to a new post. Don't forget to publish that new post!
Bloglovin' will then detect this code and allow you to "claim your blog."
Find Blogs to Follow
Click on "find blogs" in the top bar of Bloglovin' to find cool blogs to follow. You may be a food blogger but love beauty and fashion; and also have a passion for home decorating! This is the perfect place for you to find inspirations and to grow your social media network! Follow others bloggers and others will follow you! Remember sharing is caring!
Another great thing about Bloglovin' is that you can filter and sort by category. For example, Food & Drink.
What's in My Feed?
Once you have followed a blog, it will show up under "My Feed". Every new blog published will show up here. You will see a featured image, a title, and a short preview summary of the post itself. Here you can Save (and read later), Share on your social media networks (ex. Twitter) or Mark As Read.
Cool thing is that you can also "save" under a "collection". Go ahead and build you Bloglovin' collection board!
I love the 'save' feature. Sometimes, I don't have time to read every post but would love a friendly reminder to bookmark it!
Now that you have signed up for Bloglovin', it is time to gain more followers to your blog and drive traffic!
How to Utilize Bloglovin'?
Install the Bloglovin' Widget: In your profile on the upper right hand corner is a drop down bar. Select Widgets. Simply copy and paste the HTML Code and add it on your sidebars. You can also add it within a post. Just one click, new users will be subscribed to all your future published blog posts!
To get fancy, you can customer create your "follow me on Bloglovin' button.
Have you followed me on Bloglovin' yet? It would mean the world to me! Click on the image below to follow me!
Catchy Titles: a catchy headline will attract followers. Get readers to read your blog by creating an attention grabbing title that actually works! ex. Double Your Blog Traffic for Free!
Feature Image: Let's face it, 90% of the time, I am drawn to a beautiful image. It is always important to feature your best image. This your title image and one that will visually draw audience to follow you. Create a great first impression! Yes! It is kind of like going on a blind-date!
Pin Your Post from Bloglovin': Do you have a Pinterest account? Great! Don't forget to "share" your posts on Pinterest (sorry, I meant "pin" my post). This is another easy method to increase your followers on Pinterest for free! Every time a Pinner comes across your stunning image, they may re-pin, share and/or follow you!
Are you convinced yet? If you haven't already signed up for Bloglovin', go "claim your blog" and start doubling you blog traffic for free!
Don't Forget To...
Follow me on Bloglovin'
Follow me on Instagram @instanomss
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