
Best Chinese Winter Melon Soup With Pork Ribs 冬瓜湯

Chinese Winter Melon Soup With Pork Ribs 冬瓜湯

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Chinese Winter Melon Soup With Pork Ribs 冬瓜湯 is a famous healthy soup in Chinese cuisine. Despite the name, Dong Gua 冬瓜 is best enjoyed during the hottest summer days instead of the cold winter months. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter melon is considered a Yin food with a cooling effect on the body to help clear summer heat and relieve thirst.


  • 1 lbs Wintermelon 冬瓜, seeds removed, cubed
  • 1 lbs pork tenderloin 瘦肉
  • 50 g Euryale ferox 芡實
  • 50 g Lotus seed 蓮子
  • 50 g Chinese yam 淮山
  • 50 g Poria cocos 茯苓
  • 50 g Raw Coix seeds 薏米
  • 50g Black Eye Peas 眉豆
  • 1 L water 水
  • salt to taste 鹽少許


  1. Soak the herbs for 5-10 minutes in a small bowl to remove traces of impurities. This will help remove dust and debris. Rinse and set aside in a small bowl.
  2. Wash with clean water and pat dry the big slab of winter melon.
  3. Remove seeds, if any.
  4. Cut the winter melon into large chunks or into small pieces if your soup pot is small.
  5. Wash the pork ribs, pork shank or tenderloin with cold water and pat dry with a kitchen paper towel. It is only necessary to cut the pork ribs into small pieces if your pot is not big enough.
  6. Parboil the pork ribs in a medium pot to remove the impurities and excess foam. Rinse with cold water. Set aside.
  7. To make the Chinese medicines soup, add the winter melon pieces, pork shank and herbal ingredients into a large pot not made of stainless steel like THIS Perfect Pot or a Buydeem Health Beverage Maker. Although not all Chinese herbs react with metal, it is best not to use a metal pot when making Chinese medicinal herbal soups.
  8. Fill the pot with enough water to cover to make the clear soup stock. We used approximately 4 litres of cold water.
  9. Boil at high heat for 30 minutes, then reduce to low heat. Simmer for 60 minutes.
  10. Salt to taste.
  11. Serve and enjoy



  1. The soup ingredients make a comforting dish - the fork-tender meaty pork riblets are a crowd pleasure that goes perfectly with some Chinese Chili Soy Dipping Sauce.
  2. Next time, buy extra winter melon and braise it in a clay pot with slices of ginger, green onions, dried shrimps, dried shiitake mushrooms, ground meat, spare ribs or pork hocks. It's a delicious main dish that doesn't take much time to prepare!


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